Star Wars Wedding

May 8, 2009

Not so long ago.. in a country not far away..

Hmm... okay..

Hmm... okay..

WOW! This is just so.. wow. I have no words to explain this. Creative.. yup. Fun.. yup. Memorable.. yup. Nerdy.. yup.

At least, the stormtrooper bridal gown is nice. Check out some more pics here. Oh.. and congratulations, Tiger and Issa. Goodluck. May the force be with you.

Now this is a Catfight!

April 9, 2009

Unleashed and Wanting

April 1, 2009

My wife should never leave me alone to wander Suntec City.

Why? Because I just saw these two Star Wars Unleashed Exlusive figures that I just gotta have.

SWU - Darth Vader (Bespin)

SWU - Darth Vader (Bespin)

SWU - ARC Gunner

SWU - ARC Gunner

So she asked me if she can buy it for me. Of course, I said no because I promised myself that I’ll save up for these myself. Unfortunately I had no money with me at that time coz we just passed by the place with no intention of spending on anything.

But come to think of it, I did tell myself of that before when I saw an SWU Obi Wan in that shop. I told myself that I’ll come back to buy it. Days after, the item was gone and left me disappointed.

This time, before we left Suntec, I asked my wife if her offer is still on the table. She just smiled and bought these for me.

Wah lau, so power one! Thank you very much, babygirl! Till next time? HAHAHAHA

Well, the gate’s now open because of this. In a just a couple of days, I should be able to come back for these.

TFA - Shadow Blade Megatron

TFA - Shadow Blade Megatron

TFA - Roadbuster Ultra Magnus

TFA - Roadbuster Ultra Magnus

Best believe I’m getting these soon! =)


February 25, 2009

FINALLY! A Star Wars fan short that makes us understand what’s going on in the mind of R2-D2. Very disturbing.

R2D2 in Episode 1

R2D2 in Episode 2

Star Trek vs Star Wars

November 27, 2008

I always thought that Star Trek sucks.

They wear tights and have boring spacecrafts and weapons. Whereas Star Wars seem to make it more believable.

So when they get to duke it out in a fan-made video, I got to see the big diff about the two franchises.

Hehehe.. and it’s damn funny.

Darthed at $35

May 27, 2008

Three weeks ago, I saw this Star Wars Unleashed Obi Wan Kenobi at Suntec. Thought of saving my lunch money just to get me that for my (our.. my kids and mine) collection. These Unleashed figures in their exclusive boxes are hard to find these days. A year ago, I even saw a pack of four selling at just less than S$200. But now, you have to be watchful of Yahoo Auctions and eBay SG.

When I passed by the shop in Suntec last Thursday, the Kenobi was already. All that was left now are the Boba Fett and the Shadow Troopers.

I was disappointed.

The day after, my wife surprised me with a Unleashed Darth Vader (Figure#1, SW3). I can’t believe it. A mint-conditioned Darth Vader in the exclusive box. It was so cool.

I asked her how much she got it, she said that it was just selling for S$35. Even she was surprised at how much it was that she had to ask the clerk if that was the real price. The clerk asked if there was something wrong. She just said no and bought it at once.

So there you have it. The best item we have so far. The Star Wars Unleashed Darth Vader. He might look like he got tripped going down the stairs, but hey, you don’t get to find one so easily these days.

Geek Check Time

May 23, 2008

I’ve been checking out the more often these days for 2 simple reasons: 1) toys; and 2) geek stuff.

If you can relate with the blog(gers), you’ll find a lot of interesting stuff over there. And I don’t think they’re someone who just get snippets of info from other sites and mend them all into one article. No.

I think they’re very original. Especially this one..

The 8 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Geek Cred
8. Dissing the upcoming Star Trek film
7. Not owning at least one irregularly shaped die
6. Not having seen the entirety of at least one Joss Whedon series
5. Not having an Apple product
4. Liking the Star Wars Prequels
3. Not knowing a word of Japanese
2. Setting up an Internet network and not naming it Skynet, OCP or Nexus-6
1. Having a girlfriend (coz she’s now my wife)

From the looks of it.. seems like I have to ante my geekhood.

Anyway, read more of the list here. Enjoy =)